
Learn the dance.. Live the dance.. Teach, talk and dance the dance!

"I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth." 3 John 1:4

Monday, April 18, 2011

resurrection eggs

So, as usual, I am running behind on when I had planned to start this Easter activity. :)

I am using the example from http://www.wearethatfamily.com/ and making my own Resurrection Eggs to teach the kids a little more about the story of Easter.  This year, we are also not buying the pre-stuffed Easter baskets.  1. because they are too scarce here
2. because I end up throwing away almost all the toys from them within a week
and 3.  because I don't want my kids to grow up like I did thinking that Easter is just another time to receive candy and presents. 

I want my kids to know the joy and celebration that is Easter... and I want them to know WHY.  There is a great little show that comes on AFN channel 4 (or maybe its 3...?) on Sundays right now.  It is a documentary of the Easter story, showing the real life place that it happened, and a movie-type imaging of what might have happened.  The narrator shares some great explanations for what happened, and has great insights into the Bible verses.  It truly does bring the Easter story to life, in a family friendly way. 

Anyhow, this is my list of what I am using in the Eggs. 

1.  a picture of a donkey (Jesus' triumphal entry)
2.  picture of a palm leaf (since S. Korea doesn't exactly grow many of those :)
3.  a cup (lid to a water bottle, or one of Cait's mini tea set cups, I haven't decided yet- representing the Last Supper)
4.  a flower (using a fake one, obviously, from the local craft store- representing the garden at Gethesmane)
5. some coins (Judas' betrayal)
6.  a piece of leather (symbolizing the whip)
7.  a picture of the crown of thorns
8.  a paper cross
9.  a dice (representing the gambling for his clothes)
10.  a nail (crucifixion)
11.  a rock (to cover the tomb)
12.  an empty egg (the empty tomb)

Thanks again to Kristen at http://www.wearethatfamily.com/ for posting this.  It is a huge help to me and probably many other families that might not have creative ideas to get their kids to learn the real story of Easter. 

What are some things that you do to help celebrate Easter?

Friday, April 8, 2011

Catch up posting!

I just noticed its been over a month since I last updated.. Figured I would take a couple of minutes to unload all that has happened since then. 
2/25- My last official function as part of West Casey Chapel- the Newcomer's Orientation Dinner.  Lots of fun, got to mingle with friends and meet some new people.  Shortly after that, Jon decided that we should try a different chapel, so I turned in a resignation of sorts, if you can call it that for a volunteer position! :P

That Sunday we tried out Hovey Chapel, where Jon's battalion chaplain speaks.  It was pretty good!  We had a great time fellowshipping with the people there after church. 

3/5 We went to a birthday party for Calvin- it was their last big thing here, as they PCS'd back to the States shortly afterwards. 
I would just like to state for the record that I really dislike these horns!  Whoever thought it would be a great idea to pass them out to several children at once is insane!! :D
3-8- We took the kids to Little Prince Children's Restaurant.  My fave!  Why don't we have these in America??!?  I should franchise one when we get back.. lol. 

Can you tell he was excited?  He barely stopped long enough for me to snap this!  The food at this place is amazing- peach tea, pomogranate tea, chicken tomato pasta, alfredo, even the pizza is delicious!  And the hot chocolate... well, let's just say that the hot chocolate is responsible for a couple of my extra pounds
from this winter! :D  It is just THAT good. 
All for now, have kiddos to go take care of and a slightly crabby hubby. :D