We're still here! So far, we are absolutely loving the house. There are a couple of areas that I wish I could change a bit, like any house, but we are slowly doing what we can to make it our home. I've put up a few family pictures, and two of our canvases in the dining room, and our Korean painting and name scroll are in the living room. We mounted the TV tonight, and added a shelf underneath it to hold the cable box and PS3. That will be temporary, since Jon and I will be deciding on either a media center or an entertainment center to build soon.
The kids have made friends, especially this last week, since the public schools finished on Friday. Friday night I had several children in the house that I had never met! It was a fun time. Tonight there were two more that we hadn't met yet, and praise God, none of them are children that I felt uneasy having around. The playground being 200 yards from our house is really nice, too, we can sit in the driveway while Jamie rides his bike and the older two can go run and play at the park.
As for homeschooling, we have about another month left until they are finished. I've been doing my yearly pros and cons list, because Caitlynn is begging hard to be allowed to go to school. With almost everything someone says about public school, though, I am reminded of why we prefer to keep them at home. I guess I will have to find a few ways to keep Cait from being mad that she isn't going to school. Things are too uncertain with Jon's job and where we will end up for us to have them in school, on top of all the other reasons we prefer it.
We spent yesterday morning at Garden of the Gods, which was amazing! The kids really got into the climbing and bird watching. Here are a few pictures that I will leave you with. :)
Cait took this of us at America the Beautiful park on Friday. |
He had to have his turn carrying the Camelbak. :D |
They actually said, Mom come take a picture of us! hehehe |
Jamie didn't want ANY help climbing this part, he made it about 25 feet up, all the way to where Jon is in the next picture. I was too busy sweating it to take any pictures of how big it was. Jamie did a great job, though. |
Poor Jon ended up with Jamie towards the end, since I was carrying Cait. This was about 3.5 hours after we started (and still 30 minutes before we found the right trail to lead us to the car)! |