
Learn the dance.. Live the dance.. Teach, talk and dance the dance!

"I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth." 3 John 1:4

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Baby quilt and sling progress

Well, one of the projects that I am trying my hand at is making a crib quilt for the peanut.  I picked up the already pieced top and bottom in a jungle print from Hobby Lobby, and am hand sewing the pieces together.  My wonderful hubby was able to do a line to show me (since he's done tons more hand sewing than I have, however sad that might seem...lol), and I repositioned the quilting hoop so that I'm ready to start fresh on a new area tomorrow. 

I got extremely frustrated in trying to complete the baby sling that one of my friends gave me instructions for.  I did the first half at her house, and wrote the instructions down as she showed me how.  And I still screwed it up somehow!  :P  I can laugh at it now, but I was really ticked off earlier.  I finally got it most of the way done, I just have to sew the edges over.  Pictures of both will have to wait til tomorrow, cause right now the camera is out of reach, and I'm pooped.  I'd love to see anything crafty you have going on, Shelby!  (I figured I'd just use your name, since you're the only one reading this)!  :D