
Learn the dance.. Live the dance.. Teach, talk and dance the dance!

"I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth." 3 John 1:4

Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Translation Tuesday

Here we are again, Tuesday.  We just won't mention that I completely forgot last Tuesday, until it was Tuesday night in the States.... or will we?  :P

So, I thought I would list how to count to ten in Korean- seeing as how this is going to become part of our homeschooling curriculum this next school year.  I plan to print these out and laminate them, and post them around the house in various places, to help us learn.  (Ok, to help ME learn, not so much for Jacob)! 

one- hana (hah nah)
two- tule (tule)
three- set (sehtt)
four- net (nehtt)
five- tasot (tahsot)
six- yosot (yoe-sot)
seven- ilgop (eel-gope)
eight- yodol (yah-dahl)
nine- ahop (ah-hope)
ten- yol (yahl or ya'll)

Say that ten times fast!  :) 

Its actually easier to count to ten in Korean than it is to remember the months of the year.  Several of the months only have a one letter difference!  I'll post those next week.

And a did you know?

Did you know that it is customary for a newborn baby to stay home for the first 100 days of life?  The Koreans then pass out 100 rice cakes for people to eat for good luck.  Who would have thought?  No wonder people with small babies get lots of attention!


Armywife said...

I just love the new pic of James! I just wanna snuggle him!!

I {heart} Nap Time said...

Hey! Yeah I could send just the vinyl for you. E-mail me if you are still interested and which one you were thinking of. Iheartnaptime@gmail.com Thanks! Cute blog!