Found out today that I could put J in school (kindergarten) for a couple hours a day, for only the subjects I want him to study, like pe, music, math, etc... and homeschool him the rest of the time.. Now Im wondering if I shouldnt just get over it and put him in, period. No point in sending him for 3-4 hours a day only to come home and do more when he gets home.... But, also, if I finish homeschooling him through this year, he can go straight to second grade next year, since Sonlight is an accredited program. I would just have to provide a portfolio, and he would have to take the second grade placement exam. Soooo.. yeah. I don't want to be selfish and put him in just so I would have one less kid at home, but I don't want to keep him out on the off chance that they can do a better job that me, even with 30 kids and one aide. We can still do devotionals at home, over dinner, and talk about the memory verses in the mornings before I take him downstairs to the bus stop.. which was a major reason I homeschooled. Theres a verse that says to teach the Bible to your children, when you walk along the road, and when you wake up and when you go to sleep... basically, teach them as much as you can as often as you can.. And if he's in school more than he's home and awake, how am I supposed to have the time to teach him about stuff like that? I know I probably sound like a crazed loon.. lol.. but I'm really struggling with putting him in. Am I some kind of control freak? Jon was teasing me, and said, what, having a hard time letting go?? Srsly!! Is that what I'm doing???
There are pros and cons to each side, and I DON'T want to be selfish and put him in just to go with the flow of everyone else. I don't want him to have a negative experience with school, and I don't want him to constantly be in trouble like he was last year in the beginning of pre-k. Yes, he will probably throw fits because school is more regimented than we are, and there will be another adult in charge... and I know there will be days that I have to literally drag him out of bed because he 'doesn't wanna go to school!'
Blah. Need prayer. Advice would be great. :)
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Riding the fence... the homeschooling fence, at least.
Posted by Amy at 6:33 AM 0 comments
Labels: homeschool
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
I think I was bitten by a bug
The crafting bug!!
I have been working on several things lately. So, here goes nothing! :)
These are some of the items that I will be selling at the craft bazaar next month. I actually had someone ask whether or not they would be there cause she thought they were really cute! :)
Anywho.. off to watch a little more Eureka and attempt to finish sewing my fall table runner.
Posted by Amy at 8:55 AM 0 comments
Labels: decoupage, fall, mod podge, wood crafts
Monday, October 11, 2010
Busy as bees
Well, the man has been on convalescent leave for two weeks now, and my house definitely shows it! :)
I find it really hard to get motivated when he is sitting on the computer playing a game, or browsing the internet. I find that I get all my work done when he takes the kids outside for an hour or so- peace and quiet! :P
Lately, we have been running around getting errands done, and going to meetings. We recently started attending West Casey Chapel for Sunday service (by recent I mean we have gone twice now). Yesterday, I volunteered to be the outreach coordinator (what the heck was I thinking)??? I have had a couple of moments where my gut clenched and I thought, oh no, I've bitten off more than I can chew, I have no clue what I'm doing!!!
Today I made a detailed list of what I need to do for each thing that I have either volunteered for, or decided to do. Just for my own accountability, here's what's on my plate for the next month or two:
Partylite- I have started selling as a consultant again. My first show will be this next Sunday, and the other 5 shows will quickly follow. After that, it will just depend on how many people will host for me as to how busy I will be.
Haunted House for Jon's unit- I am helping to decorate, plus setting up a photograph station for the families. We will sell each pic for a small amount, to help in fundraising.
Church- As stated before, I am the outreach coordinator. This means that each monthly fellowship time is mine to organize, as well as any get togethers during the month. I decide what the chapel will offer (main dish or a meat, plus plates, cups, etc) each month, food-wise. I also have to send out emails asking for volunteers to bring sides and desserts.
Craft bazaar- There will be a craft bazaar in a little over a month. Wives can rent a booth to sell their homemade items. So far, my list of things to display is a photography collage, Family Rules Canvas, Boo blocks, Thankful blocks, name blocks, decoupaged picture frames, and a couple of different banners. Some of these things I already have made, some things are on my list to do soon. Tonights craft will be getting started on the name blocks. I will post pics when I get them done.
Phew. If you made it to the end of this, thanks! This was more of a empty-my-brain type of post than an interesting one, but hey, I feel MUCH better now. :D
Thanks for listening!
Posted by Amy at 6:50 AM 1 comments
Saturday, October 2, 2010
Sing, sing, sing!
Or at least, that's what I'm doing right now. There are tons of other little things that I should be doing.. like

In other news, Jon came through his surgery with flying colors. We left Monday night to travel down to Yongsan, and stayed at the Dragon Hill Lodge. It was a nice little room, very reasonably priced($79), with CABLE TV!! :D More channels than we get with AFN at home

Posted by Amy at 2:39 AM 0 comments
Labels: Dragon Hill Lodge, Jons surgery