Or at least, that's what I'm doing right now. There are tons of other little things that I should be doing.. like

Its a cool and rainy day outside, which effectively has cancelled my shoot for this afternoon. And I don't have the motivation to get up and DO anything.. until I put on my music. I listen to a great mix of some of the latest Christian artists, and its just uplifting enough to get me off my rear. :)
In other news, Jon came through his surgery with flying colors. We left Monday night to travel down to Yongsan, and stayed at the Dragon Hill Lodge. It was a nice little room, very reasonably priced($79), with CABLE TV!! :D More channels than we get with AFN at home

So, the night before, Jon called and was told to report at 0930 for prep. Well, they called us at 0620, wanting to know why we weren't there yet! Apparently there was a huge miscommunication somewhere. We got there a few minutes after 7am, and they immediately converged on Jon, getting him changed, Id'd and asking all the routine questions. 

He stabilized pretty well by lunch time, so we headed out. Only to have him dash for the nearest bathroom to get sick. that happened a couple more times while he tried to get out from under the anesthesia effects. It was a long day. :) We took the bus home, though, and he was able to sleep. We stopped at Hovey and turned in his paperwork (he's on convalescent leave for 30 days, and a dead man's profile til 17 December).
He's doing pretty well, even though its killing him that he can't take off this cast, and pretty much can't do alot of things he could do with the other cast. He goes back on October 6 for a checkup and to get the stitches removed if they are ready.

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