Here are a few more pictures of Gyungbokgung Palace. :) Hope you like them!

Caitlynn took the two shots of me, which turned out to be hilarious, because she had my ridiculously expensive camera hung around her neck, and a Korean lady was snapping tons of pictures of Cait while she was taking my picture. Jon just laughed and shook his head. The lady was nice enough to offer to take a shot of Cait and I, so that's where that one came from. :)

A beautiful reflecting pool. The water was directed in such a way that the water would remain perfectly still, in order to maintain the glass-like quality.
Looking back towards the main entrance. |
Nana <3 |
The King's throne. |
more of the throne room. |
The actual Palace Museum, which we didn't go into. Maybe on another trip. :) |
When the Japanese invaded, this is the palace that was hastily built for the king and queen, since they got kicked out of the main palace. This is also where the queen was murdered, and afterwards, the king moved to one of the other palaces, so this one was never painted. |
From the main entrance looking in.
Not really sure... one of the kids took this. :D |
Another kid pic. The Korean people believed that these statues would protect them from evil spirits. They are all over the place on many of the buildings here.
More to come, as I catch up on my editing!
And more blessings...
8. snuggly warm blankets.
9. pumpkins, pinecones, candy corn, leaves, apple cider..
10. my children's laughter
11. the experience of living in a different country
12. learning a new language and teaching it to my children
13. encouraging friends
14. being encouraged by friends |
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