
Learn the dance.. Live the dance.. Teach, talk and dance the dance!

"I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth." 3 John 1:4

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

New mother tips

As I'm sure ya'll heard, my best friend is having a baby girl at the end of the summer.  Squee!!  I got to go shopping already, and have plans to make some stuff pretty soon.  :)  But the thought struck me, what is something that I could tell her that might help her transition to motherhood easier? 

I'd love to hear your tips, tricks, and been-there, done-that stories!  I will be passing them along, if that's ok.  I think I've already talked her deaf, dumb and blind on various topics, so I jokingly told her I'd write her a book.  But it seriously sounds like something that would be fun to put together, so I just might do that!  :)

And a funny closing- my mom just hollered for me to 'come here' in German.  I walked into the living room where she and Dad are playing the Wii, and see my baby sitting in her lap.  I said, "He better not be asleep!"  and sure enough, he was.  Sound asleep sitting up, watching Grandma and Papa play Frisbee Golf! 

Oh, and our HHG will be released next week, and the estimated date for their arrival in Korea is 18 June.  0.0
Yeah.  That's what I said.  So.  We can fly 30 days after our goods are released, so hopefully I can tell Jon, and he can get us tickets for 14 May.  Yep, its gonna go just like that.  LOL!  No, seriously, any prayers that this move will finish smoothly and quickly would be much appreciated.