
Learn the dance.. Live the dance.. Teach, talk and dance the dance!

"I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth." 3 John 1:4

Monday, May 24, 2010

So, now that we're over our jet lag..

What do we do now??

We've been out and about every single day, most of the time walking the half mile or so onto post, and the commissary, PX and a few other buildings associated with settling into Army life (tricare, housing, transportation, etc).  It really is true that we are paying our gas money that we budgeted for in the States for cab money over here.  This led to our weekend expedition of bicycle-buying.  Jon now has a shiny new road bike, and I have a mountain bike (which, we discovered last night, is NOT as good as a road bike).  The kids are the lovely users of a new bike trailer and bike seat.  This took a good chunk out of our savings, so we are now working on how to get it back into savings.  Maybe all the cab money we will save will make up for it!  One can only hope. 
Anyhow, I am in the process of uploading pictures that we have taken over the last couple of days (which is going really slowly, due to the fact that I have an irate 9 month old grabbing my computer every 4.2 seconds, chewing on my internet cable every 6.8 seconds, and screaming every 10 seconds when I tell him no about the computer.  I will be extremely happy to see my computer desk in 2 days.  :D