Or maybe I should make that 'to homeschool, or not to homeschool'.. We will be discussing whether or not to continue homeschooling Big J this next year. With the move happening, we still have about 2, maybe 3 weeks worth of work to do in order to finish up our year. That's one huge plus to homeschooling. It can go with us. After our guests leave at the end of the month, I will be setting up our school room, and then we will be plunging back in. It'll be nice to be back to our schedule completely.
I'm off now, heading back to my world of dirty dishes and boxes to unpack. Wish me well! :P
its a good thing to test him to see where he is at on the learning curve that way you have time to work on it if you deside to put him in regular schooling. who knows he may be above where you think he is good luck on it. i have some things i am going to send your mom for you.
Hmm, I am divided on my answer for this. Will you be doing a kindergarten curriculum next year as well or starting first grade? What is the cut off there for first grade, age-wise? If we were staying here Jack would have to start kindergarten, but in Campbell he could start first grade. But I am choosing to start him in kinder since I think he isn't ready for first yet. Provided we don't homeschool. Not sure on our decision yet there. If its the money as a deciding factor, I would say no but if its just because, I say it wouldn't hurt to give it a try!
I would do first grade, if we kept him home. He is doing really well with the kindergarten things we are doing. The cut off that we have heard is August 31 (I don't know specifically if he has to be 6 by then, but I know Cait has to be 4 by then in order to go to preschool). I think I'm going to try the test, just to see where he is. I guess we really need to go to the meet the principal night, so we can ask all the pertinent questions.
Thanks for the comments! :)
i didnt think there was an age limit to go in to the 1st because some of the kids in reilees class were still 5 when they started i know she was lol. i think prek is the only age limit reilee wasnt 6 when she went in to the 1st im sure it will be fine. good luck with everything
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