Last pic with Grandma and Papa
Ok, now that I have a few minutes to myself (read: little J is sleeping for the moment)- here are some pictures from our trip and our first few days here. I've been waiting for our furniture to arrive before taking pics of the apartment, because it looks exactly like the pictures I've already posted here. Except it was cleaner in those other pictures! :P

Walking around in the arcade to kill time on our 6 hour layover at JFK International Airport.

Big J using his Oreo container as a car. More time killing, only about 2 hours left until we boarded.

Cool little double bike at the playground, right outside our apartment building. We later found out it belongs to someone in the other building- oops.
Remembering Daddy. :P

Cutie- but bored with the photo shoot!

View of the mountains at sunrise. (Oh, how fun it was to be up at o-dark thirty for the first four days)!

Love how he sleeps! :)
First bath in the new tub!

Big J's new favorite game, Stratego.

Another adventure to Lotte Mart, which is Korea's version of Walmart. They have a HUGE seafood section. Yes, those are baby octopuses (octopi)? Either that, or they're squids. Didn't get close enough to really tell! :P We were trying to walk and look at everything. Oh, and they had samples of lots of stuff. So now I know that the kids don't like avocado raw. Neither do I, really. But there's some big yellow fruit that tasted really good, and if I could identify it, I would. But I don't speak Korean, so I have no clue what it was he told me that it is.

Big playground behind our building. It has walking trails, fountains, exercise equipment and lots of pretty landscaping.

The Korean family that literally descended on James at the playground. I basically just watched as they played with him for over an hour. It was a hoot, trying to speak with each other, although the little girl could speak a bit of English. I have got to learn a few basic phrases other than hello, goodbye, and thank you!

Fountains and walking bridge at the big park.
Really big and creepy looking bug.
Big ants, too. Luckily, those don't bite. They just look icky. That big black thing to the left side. Yes, that.

View from about 1/4 mile away from our apartment.

View of the bridge I took the previous pic from. We can't figure out if they put flowers out just because they normally do at this time of year, or if it was in honor of Buddha's birthday, which was apparently Saturday (I think). Either way, they look beautiful.

Gardens are literally everywhere. The ivy-covered wall is the outside wall of Camp Casey. No clue who owns the plants that are planted there at the base of the wall, but the garden stretches pretty much most of the 1/2 mile of our walk to post. There are also several different gardens under the train overpasses.

The view of our apartment complex, from the flower-covered bridge. Our building is the last one on the right side.

Our adventures yesterday, with our new stuff. Aren't those helmets and vests cute? :P

Little J was exhausted from 3 hours spent at the PX while we exchanged my bike for a different style, and Jon figured out how to put the carrier on the back of his bike. Then, he took it for a test ride with C, and promptly blew the inner tube in his back tire. Woops!
Anyhow, Little J has woken up, so my computer is in peril! I will add pictures of our outing to the Asian-Pacific Luau and Rock later on tonight. Or maybe tomorrow. We've been going to bed right after the kids, pooped from all of that bike riding! :)